Tuesday, August 31, 2010

you came to take us

all things go, all things go.

i wonder how many tiems i've let who
i think
i am
hold me back.

"i'm not that kind of girl-"
"truth is important-"
"i don't do those things anymore-"

but i have been.
and sometimes it's not.
and sometimes i still do.

roll out the red carpet:
i am fickle, fly-by-night royalty
masochistic, mad-cap, malignant blue blood
and even Machiavelli coudln't touch this.

and so i know now, exactly how many times i've let who
i think
i am
break me all apart
"don't talk-"
"just cut it up-"
"give me my share-"

but please do.

roll out the Soviet tanks:
i am ruttish, Rococo, rock-candy treason
a dainty, dripping, die-hard enemy of the state
and fit for no Prince, at no point in time.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

life is so unnerving

for a servant who's not serving...

so, So, SO tired of the hot hot heat here. i'm ready for fall. and layers. and scarves again.

the prince leaves in the fall though. that... sucks.

fall is my favorite. the smell of October. the sound of leaves under my feet. the sound of leaves scuttling across the streets. that crispness. those golden afternoons.

you can move somewhere where it's spring-ish, or winter-ish, or summer-ish all the time... but not where it's autumn year 'round. things can't constantly be hurrying to death i suppose.


i had a breakthrough like none-other with Trippin today, while i was at work. random. and wonderful.

i also added to my non-ff-fiction-plot-bunny-notebook. which may be even more wonderful. i've been waiting for this one a long, long time. i can write my own truth and call it fiction, right?

truth. oh, the truth.

(i'm not whole without a soul to wait upon.)